Future Goals
My future goals for this summer is to complete another internship. The last internship I did was after my freshman year, and it was a cake decorating internship. Now that I will be heading into my senior year, I would like to complete my internship in a management field. The type of internship I am looking for is either as a Food and Beverage Director intern, or an Event Manager intern. I am looking to gain skills that will make me more marketable come graduation in the spring of 2019.
As for post-graduation, my goal is to get into some kind of management training position at either a hotel or golf club. This way I can take either a route of Food and Beverage Director and help manage the restaurant, or a route of Event Management where I would help put on weddings and other events. It would be nice to get an assistant manager role after graduation to get primed for the head manager down the road.